Message From Co-Founders Re: Distance Learning for 2019-20 School Year
Dear Scholarship Prep Parents:
Just today, Governor Gavin Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond, announced that all California public school students will continue learning remotely until the end of this current school year. For Scholarship Prep scholars that will be until our last day on May 29th. To maximize the safety of our entire school community, our physical campuses will continue to be shuttered to all during this national health emergency.
For Scholarship Prep this means our scholars will continue to work with their teachers virtually through online connection just as they have been doing since our Distance Learning model of instruction was initiated. Our teachers will keep teaching. Our scholars will keep learning.
We understand that you might be experiencing some confusion given that we have changed our “return to the physical schools” dates a couple of times. Please know that we have made these changes in consultation with our state, county, and local authorizers, and today’s announcement from the Governor and state Superintendent of Instruction now applies to all public schools in CA.
Please remember that next week (April 6th-10th) is our regularly scheduled Spring Break. There will be no Distance Learning instruction nor distribution of school meals during this period of time. We hope that all of you will take some time to relax, and enjoy time with family. For those families in need of continued access to healthy meals during our Spring Break, please check our community resource list, found on our website, for possible meal distribution locations.
School will resume in our Distance Learning model once again on Monday, April 13th. Our teachers and staff will be waiting to “see” you (connect with you on-line) once again! Please keep checking your school’s Facebook page, your emails and our website for up-to-date information.
We extend to you our deepest appreciation for your understanding of the extraordinary times in which we are living, and urge you to continue working with your child and Scholarship Prep teacher(s) as lessons continue. We ask you to continue to follow all health precautions, including staying at home, social distancing, and continuous washing of hands to avoid obtaining and/or spreading the virus.
Thank you for choosing Scholarship Prep as your school of choice. Together, and staying calm, we will get through this health concern.
Sen. Gloria Romero (Ret) Jason Watts Dennise Allotey
Executive Director/Co-Founder Chief Operating Officer/Co-Founder Principal
Just today, Governor Gavin Newsom and State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Tony Thurmond, announced that all California public school students will continue learning remotely until the end of this current school year. For Scholarship Prep scholars that will be until our last day on May 29th. To maximize the safety of our entire school community, our physical campuses will continue to be shuttered to all during this national health emergency.
For Scholarship Prep this means our scholars will continue to work with their teachers virtually through online connection just as they have been doing since our Distance Learning model of instruction was initiated. Our teachers will keep teaching. Our scholars will keep learning.
We understand that you might be experiencing some confusion given that we have changed our “return to the physical schools” dates a couple of times. Please know that we have made these changes in consultation with our state, county, and local authorizers, and today’s announcement from the Governor and state Superintendent of Instruction now applies to all public schools in CA.
Please remember that next week (April 6th-10th) is our regularly scheduled Spring Break. There will be no Distance Learning instruction nor distribution of school meals during this period of time. We hope that all of you will take some time to relax, and enjoy time with family. For those families in need of continued access to healthy meals during our Spring Break, please check our community resource list, found on our website, for possible meal distribution locations.
School will resume in our Distance Learning model once again on Monday, April 13th. Our teachers and staff will be waiting to “see” you (connect with you on-line) once again! Please keep checking your school’s Facebook page, your emails and our website for up-to-date information.
We extend to you our deepest appreciation for your understanding of the extraordinary times in which we are living, and urge you to continue working with your child and Scholarship Prep teacher(s) as lessons continue. We ask you to continue to follow all health precautions, including staying at home, social distancing, and continuous washing of hands to avoid obtaining and/or spreading the virus.
Thank you for choosing Scholarship Prep as your school of choice. Together, and staying calm, we will get through this health concern.
Sen. Gloria Romero (Ret) Jason Watts Dennise Allotey
Executive Director/Co-Founder Chief Operating Officer/Co-Founder Principal